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Want to learn how to massage your baby, but don't feel ready to attend a class?
Learn with us here online instead, in your own time, at yours and your baby pace.

Here at Little Diamonds we understand that even though you want to massage your baby there could a be a whole range of reasons that you can't get to face-to-face class, and that's ok. You're in a little love bubble with your baby and you need to do things when you both feel ready or at a time that suits you.

BUT, we also don't want you to miss out either, which is why we created our Online Baby Massage Course.

Structured just like our face to face course we'll take you through the massage process, gradually building on what you've learnt each session so that by the end you can massage your baby top-to-toe, front and back. PLUS, we'll be available to give you extra support should you want it.

You can also access the course whenever you want, so you can fit it into you day as and when you want to.


Find out more by clicking the course below, and get started today!

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All content, including our online courses, literature and all information provided by Little Diamonds are provided for information only. It does not constitute medical advice or instruction.

Little Diamonds does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on our website or within any of our digital content or literature. Any information or opinions expressed must not be as an alternative t, or substite for diagnosis or treatment by a qualified healthcare professional. Little Diamonds in not qualified to give medical advice.

All of Little Diamonds online conetnt is protected by copyright. All rights reserved 2023. Unauthorised copying, lending, public performance, downloading, streaming or TV broadcasting of the digital content is prohibited. Website created and hosted using WIX

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